Thursday, October 30, 2008

Citizen Journalism- Shreshta

Citizen Journalism is when the public uses the web to report on news and current affairs. This is a process where the citizen collects, analyses, disseminates and reports news and information and therefore is called a journalist. These citizens then develop or join websites where people carry out a similar process. Some of the websites are blogs, you tube, my space where they create their own media. The importance of this theory is that everyone has got an opinion and this process gives them the right to share it with others.

“The term generally is understood to mean a collaboration between a professional journalist and his/her readers on a story, where readers who are knowledgeable on the topic are asked to contribute their expertise, ask questions to provide guidance to the reporter, or even do actual reporting which will be included in the final journalistic product.”

The main advantage of having such websites is that citizens can report local events and issues that the local main stream media ignore. If a member thinks that other citizens should know about a problem the government hasn’t solved then these work as an outlet to publicize news.